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Heraldic artworks
Coats of arms for people
As Herald of the Genealogical Society of Ireland
For the Chief Herald of Malta
For companies, universities & institutions
Religious heraldry
Heraldic flags
Heraldic badges
Coats of arms with supporters
Schemas & docs
Schemes of heraldic art
Hatching & tricking
Heraldic documents
Giclée on paper
Ink drawings
Heraldry in real life
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Heraldic artworks
Coats of arms for people
As Herald of the Genealogical Society of Ireland
For the Chief Herald of Malta
For companies, universities & institutions
Religious heraldry
Heraldic flags
Heraldic badges
Coats of arms with supporters
Schemas & docs
Schemes of heraldic art
Hatching & tricking
Heraldic documents
Giclée on paper
Ink drawings
Heraldry in real life
Exhibitions, lectures & books
Personal photos
Contact me
Privacy Policy & Legal
The coat of arms of Yannick Beuvelet designed by him and me and emblazoned by me on a grand piano, the photo is by Pablo Plaza.
A heron volant drew by me for the canting arms of Paul and Kari Herndon’s family.
Two phone cases with the arms of Nick Rica.
Proof of a Giclée and a heraldic document for the Lucas Cruz family arms dated, signed, and sealed.