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Heraldic artworks
Coats of arms for people
As Herald of the Genealogical Society of Ireland
For the Chief Herald of Malta
For companies, universities & institutions
Religious heraldry
Heraldic flags
Heraldic badges
Coats of arms with supporters
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Schemes of heraldic art
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Heraldic artworks
Coats of arms for people
As Herald of the Genealogical Society of Ireland
For the Chief Herald of Malta
For companies, universities & institutions
Religious heraldry
Heraldic flags
Heraldic badges
Coats of arms with supporters
Schemas & docs
Schemes of heraldic art
Hatching & tricking
Heraldic documents
Giclée on paper
Ink drawings
Heraldry in real life
Exhibitions, lectures & books
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Heraldic documents
Two pages of the heraldic document of Roy L. Reed Jr.’s family edited, dated, signed, and sealed by me.
Two pages of the heraldic document of Nick Allen Rica II edited, dated, signed, and sealed by me.
The heraldic document of Christopher Altnau edited, dated, signed, and sealed by me.
The heraldic document for the emblem of Bola Negra pool club edited, dated, signed, and sealed by me.
Two pages of the heraldic document of Arthur Richard Brinnhard edited, dated, signed, and sealed by me.
Two pages of the heraldic document of Lucas Cruz’s family edited, dated, signed, and sealed by me.
Notarial Deed of Assumption of Arms of Danny B. Warner with his arms designed by him and me and emblazoned by me
Heraldic document for the arms of Lozada-Guerrero’s family of New Jersey.
Three pages have a heraldic frame with the elements of their arms, all made by me.