The coat of arms of Yannick Beuvelet designed by him and me and emblazones by me.
Blazon: Argent, a griffin segreant Gules, armed and beaked Or; a bordure compony counter-compony Or and Azure.
Crest: A galero with the rank of Episcopal Vicar with two cords, one on each side, each with three tassels, 1 and 2, Sable.
Behind the shield the cross and suspended from the shield the insignia both of the Military and Hospitaller Order of Saint Lazarus of Jerusalem.
Motto and supporters

Blazon: Argent, a griffin segreant Gules, armed and beaked Or; a bordure compony counter-compony Or and Azure.
Supporters: two knights Argent, armored Azure and Or, vested with tabards Argent charged with a griffins segreant Gules, the dexter, crined and bearded Or, the eyes Vert, grasping in his dexter hand a sword point upwards Or, the sinister, crined and bearded Sable, the eyes Azure, grasping in his sinister hand a sword point upwards Or.
Motto: «Pax et Bonum».