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Heraldic artworks
Coats of arms for people
As Herald of the Genealogical Society of Ireland
For the Chief Herald of Malta
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Heraldic badges
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Heraldic artworks
Coats of arms for people
As Herald of the Genealogical Society of Ireland
For the Chief Herald of Malta
For companies, universities & institutions
Religious heraldry
Heraldic flags
Heraldic badges
Coats of arms with supporters
Schemas & docs
Schemes of heraldic art
Hatching & tricking
Heraldic documents
Giclée on paper
Ink drawings
Heraldry in real life
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Heraldic flags
The heraldic standard of Christopher Altnau designed by him and me and emblazoned by me.
The heraldic standard of Kimberly Louise Severson designed by her and me and emblazoned by me.
The standard of Tim Wilkins, rounded ending emblazoned by me.
The standard of Tim Wilkins, swallowtail ending emblazoned by me.
The banner of arms of Rhys Lochead emblazoned by me.
The banner of arms of Scott Harlan Severson designed by Kimberly Louise Severson and me and emblazoned by me.
The heraldic standard of Laurent Liu-Lecomble designed by him and me and emblazoned by me.
The heraldic standard of Rick Kasparek emblazoned by me.
The pennon of Paul Lindsay emblazoned by me.
The pennon of the residential village of Ceres, Val’Quirico, designed and emblazoned by me.
The standard of Tomasz Grzeszkowiak emblazoned by me, structure: coat of arms + crest + motto’s 1st line + badge + motto’s 2nd line + crest.
The standard of Nick Rica emblazoned by me, classic structure: coat of arms + badge + motto’s 1st line + crest + motto’s 2nd line + badge.
The standard of Stephan Urs Breu, designed by him and me, and emblazoned by me, his design is based on his coat of arms, his crest, his motto, and his badge.
The standard of Brady Brim-DeForest emblazoned by me. Structure: arms; crest; motto 1st line «un cran»; badge; motto 2nd line «plus»; crest; motto 3rd line «loin»; badge.